CAEN Code 3811: Collection of non-hazardous waste

This class includes:
- collection of non-hazardous solid waste (ie garbage) within a local area, such as collection of waste from households and businesses by means of refuse bins, wheeled bins, containers etc may include mixed recoverable materials
- Collection of recyclable materials
- Collection of waste in public bins
This class also includes:
- Collection of construction and demolition waste
- Collection and removal of debris, such as brush and rubble
- Collection of waste output of textile mills
- Operation of waste transfer facilities for non-hazardous waste
This class excludes:
- Collection of hazardous waste, see CAEN 3812
- Operation of landfills for the disposal of non-hazardous waste, see CAEN 3821
- operation of facilities where commingled recoverable materials such as paper, plastics, etc are sorted into distinct categories, see CAEN 3832
Also used for in caselaw: Also used for in caselaw:
- Activities of recycling centers for non-hazardous waste