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The Business Docs

Learn about what it means to manage a Romanian business, the financial aspects, as well as tips on how to succeed.

Learn about business essentials, statistics, and data to help scale up your business, access new markets, and increase its profit margins.

Serial publication registered with:

ISSN: International Standard Serial Number 3008-3818
ISSN-L: 3008-3818

In the series called "The Business Docs", we will keep an updated guide on opportunities for Romanian companies and how to better access them.

We will discuss the economics of business management in Romania, taking into account its geography, laws, and associated costs and estimated revenues.

We'll thoroughly analyze the legal framework within which companies function, and the requirements to run a successful company in Romania.

We will also analyze all of the relevant aspects of business management, such as opening a bank account, managing your payment processing for card transactions, and analyzing and learning from others' successes and failures through case studies.

Should I register a company in Romania?

This documentation series will go in-depth into the benefits and downsides of running a Romanian company.

We'll discuss the ideal Romanian business, the situations in which it might be best to look into jurisdictions like Bulgaria, and other information to make sure you are informed as an entrepreneur.