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Propel your law firm to success!

Triplează veniturile societății tale în doar 2 ani and domină piața.

Online presence is no longer an option but a necessity.

According to a study by the American Bar Association, 94% of law firms in the US have websites, but only 27% are managed in-house by marketing teams

Nearly 90% of law firms globally use social media actively for marketingaccording to the University of New South Wales.2

Inteligența artificială (AI) te poate ajuta să iti depășesti competitorii

The Deloitte Guide to Generative AI for Legal Departments estimates that AI could automate up to 44% of lawyers' tasks3

81.6% Among digital marketing specialists I believe AI will revolutionize the profession of copywriting!4

65.8% among people consideră că textele generate de AI sunt la fel de bune sau chiar mai bune decât cele scrise de oameni.5

You must speak your clients' language

A CLIO study reveals that 42% of clients are more likely to hire a lawyer who explains things clearly. 6

PWC a descoperit că 86% of customers are willing to pay more for an excellent experience 7

In the same study, PWC shows that at least [Translation from Romanian to English] 80% of B2B clients expect an experience that is as good as or better than in B2C. 8

Ignoring Data Impacts Your Profit


Despite Romania's recent economic advancements, legal professionals remain underpaid due to a lack of modernization and innovation in this sector.

The traditional structure is inadequate - Romanian lawyers earning less than half the median salary. Even though the UNBR's official reports are imprecise, it is known that tax evasion and low wages are a widespread issue for most lawyers.

Deci, înseamnă că avocații talentați sunt plătiți mai puțin decât merită pentru că excelează în drept, dar nu și în antreprenoriat.

While most industries have embraced digitization, lawyers still rely on paper and pen. In contrast, lawtech companies are generating 200,000 euros per month from services previously reserved for lawyers.

The causes are complex but internal: uncompetitive regulations in the statute that hinder lawyers' competitiveness in the market, resistance to adopting digitization, and greed.

Ignoring Data Impacts Your Profit

And we found viable solutions


We understand the specific challenges of the legal profession, having direct experience collaborating with top firms. We have identified concrete solutions to streamline your work and attract more clients without compromising ethics or risking violations of the statute or Law 51/1995.

Here are some practical benefits of collaborating with us:

  • 🚀 Excellence in Marketing: Experții noștri vă vor crea o prezență online puternică și vă vor aduce clienți valoroși prin strategii bazate pe studii, SEO fara bullshit, și gestionare inteligentă a prezentei pe social media.
  • 💻 Transformare digitală: We help you prepare your company for the future by automating team tasks, streamlining workflows, and implementing cutting-edge technologies, with a focus on data security.
  • 🤝 Abordare centrată pe client: We guide you in implementing best practices to deliver exceptional services and build long-term relationships with your clients, providing intuitive document management tools and facilitating client communication.
And we found viable solutions

We help you in every way possible (Romanian)

Your business needs to be optimized on all fronts. Increasing customer numbers does not guarantee that your team will be able to handle the significant increase in requests.

Promote Your Company Better (Romanian: Promovează-ți mai bine firma.)

A business cannot exist without clients. And this is how we will attract more customers to your business:

Data-driven lead generation

Most law firm websites fail to convert visitors into clients because they are structured like a CV or brochure, not a lead magnet. offers data-driven digital strategies to transform your online presence into an efficient lead generation engine, from data collection to business intelligence.


Gestionare automată a rețelelor sociale

Clients are increasingly educating themselves about their legal concerns online. If your law firm isn't on TikTok, LinkedIn, or Facebook, you're missing out on opportunities.

Our AI-powered social media management system generates content that is most likely to resonate with your target niche and increases the likelihood of them reaching out to you in the long run.


Marketing content & SEO by experts

SEO nu înseamnă inserarea forțată a cuvintelor cheie, ci crearea de conținut care să angajeze intelectual audiența și să răspundă întrebărilor acesteia.

We consult with you to develop procedures that will push a constant stream of valuable articles to the top search results on Google. This will ensure that you remain well-positioned even after our collaboration ends.


Work more efficiently.

Now you have clients, but managing them with traditional small team management methods is becoming increasingly difficult. This is how we take you to the next level.

Document and Team Management Tools

Many law firms do not reach their full potential due to communication and team management issues.

Scaling your business depends on keeping things organized and building procedures so that they don't depend on your physical presence. We help you with that.


Step into the digital world safely

The legal field is reluctant to embrace technology, and rightfully so.

The lack of built-in security means that your data is unsafe, even with government entities.

The leader of our team discovered critical vulnerabilities in Monitorul Oficial, 80% of Romania's courts, the IFEP platform, and has years of experience in the infosec field. We handle data with minimal risk of loss.


Work faster with the help of artificial intelligence

Most law firms still don't use AI tools or use inefficient tools to streamline their work.

This creates a huge opportunity cost for a field where most of the work doesn't add value. We will help you stay up-to-date with the latest AI models and train you to use them to their full potential.


Pachetele noastre standard


We have designed affordable packages for both novice lawyers and growing firms, enabling them to start working with us.

The amounts are proportional to the effort expended and It leaves us with a profit of 0 in the first month.

As such, it is in our best interest to provide superior quality services so that people maintain their subscriptions and we subsequently profit.


€299 lunar
Get Started
  • One-hour consulting session
  • Social Media Management Platform
  • Website Analysis and Consulting for Growth


€599 lunar
Go Faster Now
  • Automatic client generation based on data
  • Revamp website
  • Social Media Management Platform
  • SEO Assistance from Experts


€999 lunar
Obțineți Avantajul
  • All features in the Boost plan
  • Digitization services
  • Minerva AI Assistance

Contact Us


For further details about our services, or to arrange a meeting, please proceed below.

Email: [email protected]