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The Registrar's Guide

A guide for ONRC registrars and entities assisting with company registration in the trade register:

  • Fundamentals of corporate law. Definitions, purposes, and legal grounds.
  • Aspecte referitoare la inregistrare si obligatiile registratorului
  • Entries in the commercial register and their effects.
    • Declaratia pe propria raspundere pentru desfasurarea de activitati, si rolul acesteia
    • Foreign Investment Declaration
    • Founding Act (consisting of the statute and the company contract)
  • No equivalent in English.
  • Formele de reprezentare a societatilor comerciale
  • As well as other information and curiosities about registering in the trade register.

In this guide, we aim to discuss various cases, misconceptions, as well as relevant issues in the context of Romanian corporate law.

Let's analyze current issues, interesting statistics, and also provide various guides to assist in solving these problems.

Evident, Juridical opinions are strictly personal opinions.As the director of, I aim to argue my opinions, but I cannot rationally guarantee their correctness, and obviously, my opinions do not constitute legal assistance, for which we propose consulting a lawyer or a legal advisor working for your company.