George Demo
George M.R. Zlati
Law firm
U.N.B.R. - Cluj Bar
I am a lawyer with over a decade of experience in criminal law, specializing in cybercrime, blockchain technology, virtual currencies, and other crypto-assets. I am also doctor în drept (Babeș-Bolyai University) with the thesis "Unauthorized access to a computer system, fraud, and computer forgery".
Combin experiența de avocat cu o experiență academică obținută în calitate de associated teaching staff Faculty of Law (UBB) in the discipline of Criminal Law Special Part (until 2020). Since 2023 he has been a university lecturer at the Faculty of Law and Social Sciences, "1 December 1918" University of Alba Iulia, in the discipline of Computer Crime (master's degree).
I published the first Cybercrime Treaty I am from Romania and I have Scientific contribution of relevance both in relation to cybercrime and in relation to crimes provided for in the special part of the Penal Code or in special laws, the computer search (art. 168 of the Criminal Procedure Code), technical surveillance (art. 138 of the Criminal Procedure Code), obtaining traffic and location data (art. 152 of the Criminal Procedure Code), etc. A list of my scientific publications can be consulted Here. I have been a speaker at numerous national or international conferences on cybercrime, digital evidence, blockchain technology, etc.
I am a member of European Criminal Bar Association (see) Here.), European Fraud and Compliance Lawyers (see) Here.) and International Association of Penal Law (until 2023).
I was quoted in the following decisions of the High Court of Cassation and Justice: Recursul în interesul legii nr. 15/2013 (referring to the use of a skimmer at an ATM and withdrawing cash) Legal Interpretation No. 37/2021 (referring to the relationship between cyber fraud and traditional fraud) Legal Interpretation No. 68/2021 (regarding unauthorized access to a computer system) Legal Interpretation No. 4/2021 (regarding the creation of a fake account on social media).
Specializat în următoarele domeniicybercrime (computer offenses); blockchain technology, virtual currencies, and other crypto-assets; digital evidence (e-evidence); computer searches; exceptions of unconstitutionality; requests and exceptions in the preliminary chamber procedure.
Co-author of the following books: The Code of Criminal Procedure. Commentary on the Articles (Ed. C.H. Beck); The Penal Code. Commentary on the Articles (Ed. C.H. Beck); The New Penal Code. Special Part. The Cluj Perspective (Ed. Universul Juridic).
Author of the following books: Treaty on cybercrime. Volume I (Ed. Solomon) - The "Vintilă Dongoroz" Award in the field of criminal law.