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Brand Guidelines Book

A brief history

Founded in 2022, initially set out to simplify business registration. However, our vision quickly expanded to eradicate the time drain caused by non-value-added tasks for entrepreneurs. A pivotal moment came in 2023 when we were finalists in the Innovation Labs competition, attracting attention from major media outlets. What started as a two-person endeavor has since grown into a multidisciplinary team of lawyers, technologists, and management professionals.


Our mission is twofold. First, to become a comprehensive ecosystem of startup tools, assisting businesses from inception to becoming a medium-sized enterprise. Second, to liberate entrepreneurs from the clutches of non-productive tasks, allowing them to invest their time in value-added activities such as product development and scaling.


Our vision is to democratize the world of entrepreneurship. We aim to make essential business resources and information accessible to all, breaking down traditional barriers that have made starting and scaling a business cumbersome. In this streamlined landscape, business registration, and consulting will no longer be intricate mazes but simplified processes navigable by anyone.

Core Values

  • Multidisciplinary Expertise: Our team is a diverse blend of professionals, including entrepreneurs, economists, lawyers, and software engineers. This multidisciplinary approach enables us to tackle the complexities of business registration and consulting from multiple angles.
  • Innovation: We continually seek to innovate, leveraging state-of-the-art AI tools to accelerate processes and enhance accessibility. This allows us to offer timely and effective solutions to entrepreneurs.
  • Integrity: At Incorpo. ro, integrity is not a buzzword; it's a practice. We operate with honesty and friendliness, ensuring that our interactions reflect our genuine care for our clients.
  • Open Governance: We believe in the collective intelligence of our team and our clients. Decision-making is a collaborative process, involving all employees and extending to our customer base. We actively invite client participation in product development and co-creating solutions that serve real needs.

Logo Guidelines for

This is our logo; now let's build the following:

The primary logo serves as the main visual cue for the brand and is to be used in most applications to ensure consistency and brand recognition.

Primary Logo - Primary Logo Full Colors
Primary Logo - Primary Logo White
Primary Logo - Primary Logo Black

Logo Variations

Logo variations are to be used in special circumstances where the primary logo is not feasible due to space constraints or specific aesthetic needs.

Selected Variants:

  1. Icon Variant: Icon Black
Primary Logo - Primary Icon Full

Minimum Sizes and Safe Space

To make sure the logo is always readable and keeps its impact, follow these size guidelines:

  • Primary Logo: Minimum size of 150x50 pixels. Maintain a safe space of at least 20 pixels around the logo.
  • Icon-only Variant: Minimum size of 50x50 pixels. Maintain a safe space of at least 10 pixels around the logo.

Improper Usage

To maintain the integrity of the brand, avoid the following:

  1. Stretching or Distorting: Always maintain the aspect ratio.
  2. Poor Visibility: Do not use the logo on backgrounds where it is hard to see.
  3. Unauthorized Modifications: Do not add effects, change colors, or modify the logo in any way without prior approval.

Certainly, let's proceed to construct the relevant section for the brand book that outlines the color palette.

Visual Design

Color Palette

Our color palette has been carefully crafted to inspire trust and convey a sense of high-quality service, all while staying true to modern design aesthetics. We've also woven elements of Romanian culture into the palette to ensure it resonates with our local audience. The palette offers a versatile range of primary, secondary, and accent colors, making it adaptable to various platforms and materials.

Primary Colors

These are the cornerstone of our brand identity, derived from the Romanian flag to maintain cultural relevance:

  • Romanian Blue: #0033A0
  • Romanian Yellow: #FCD116
  • Romanian Red: #CE1126

Secondary Colors

These colors have been introduced to modernize our palette and offer a sophisticated range of options:

  • Light Gray: #D3D3D3
  • Dark Gray: #808080
  • Navy: #000080

Accent Colors

Accent colors bring depth and versatility to our color palette, enabling a more dynamic visual language.

  • Teal: #008080
  • Light Blue: #ADD8E6


To ensure accessibility and readability, we've chosen color combinations that meet or exceed a contrast ratio of 4.5:1, as recommended by the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).

Accessible Combinations:

  • Romanian Blue and Romanian Yellow
  • Romanian Blue and Light Gray
  • Romanian Yellow and Dark Red
  • Light Gray and Dark Red

These combinations should be prioritized for text and background elements across various platforms, including Instagram, Facebook, and web applications.


Consistent typography is essential for maintaining a cohesive and professional brand identity. Below are the guidelines for the fonts selected to represent

Primary Font: Lato

Lato is our primary font and is used for all headers, titles, and other prominent text elements. It was chosen for its modern lines and readability, encapsulating's innovative ethos.

  • Usage: Headers, Titles, and Subtitles
  • Style: Modern, Structured
  • Recommended Sizes: 18pt and above for headers, 14-16pt for subtitle

Secondary Font: Roboto

Robo is our secondary font, primarily used for body text and other less prominent text elements. It complements Lato well, offering another layer of modernity and readability.

- Usage: Body Text, Captions, Footnotes
- Style: "It's raining cats and dogs Modern, Mechanical
- Recommended Sizes: 10-14pt for body text, 8-10pt for footnotes and captions

Voice and Tone's voice and tone are meticulously crafted to resonate with our target audience while reinforcing our brand ethos of simplifying non-value-added tasks in the legal and business realms.

Voice Characteristics and Gender

Advertising Content: "Michaela, the Inspiring Advocate"

  • Gender: Female
  • Age: Middle-aged
  • Accent: American
  • Characteristics: Dynamic, trustworthy, and persuasive.
  • Sample Script: "Welcome to Imagine a world where you're free to innovate, create, and grow your business, all without getting bogged down by paperwork. That world is not just a dream; it's a reality with us. Break free and soar higher with"
Michaela - The Inspiring Advocate

Educational Content: "Jane, the Knowledgeable Mentor"

  • Gender: Female
  • Age: Middle-aged
  • Accent: British
  • Characteristics: Expert, nurturing, and articulate.
  • Sample Script"Hello, this is, your guide to seamless business operations. Today, we're delving into the complexities of business taxationβ€”a topic often regarded as intimidating. But fear not, we're here to break it down for you, step by step. Let's begin."
Jane - the Knowledgeable Mentor

Customer Support: "Alexandra, the Helpful Guide"

  • Gender: Female
  • Age: Young
  • Accent: Neutral or slightly Romanian
  • Characteristics: Friendly, empathetic, and efficient.
  • Sample Script"Hello and welcome to's customer support. My name is Alexandra Ardelean, and I'm here to assist you. How may I make your experience better?"
Alexandra, the Helpful Guide

Social Media Posts Examples