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The Biggest Companies in Romania: A Comprehensive Analysis

β€” Stefan-Lucian Deleanu

Overview of Romania's Top Companies

The Romanian economy has been on a steady upward trajectory in recent years, with a GDP growth rate of 4.1% in 2019. This growth has had a positive effect on the country's largest companies, enabling them to expand their operations and boost their profits.

One of Romania's largest industries is the IT sector, which has experienced substantial growth in recent years. Many of the country's top companies are in the IT sector, including Bitdefender, UiPath, and Endava. These companies have been able to capitalize on Romania's highly skilled workforce and relatively low labor costs to develop innovative products and services that are in high demand worldwide.

Another important industry in Romania is the automotive sector, which includes companies like Dacia and Ford. These companies have been able to leverage Romania's strategic location and well-developed transportation infrastructure to produce high-quality vehicles at competitive prices.

Overall, the biggest companies in Romania are well-positioned to continue growing and expanding in the coming years. With a strong economy and a highly skilled workforce, Romania is an attractive destination for businesses looking to establish a presence in Eastern Europe.

Top 5 Most Profitable Companies in Romania

Romania is home to many successful companies, but which ones are the most profitable? Here are the top 5 companies that have made the most revenue in recent years:

  1. OMV Petrom - This oil and gas company is the largest in Romania and has been operating for over 160 years. In 2020, it reported revenue of over 15 billion RON.

  2. Automobile Dacia - This car manufacturer is a subsidiary of the French company Renault and has been producing cars in Romania since 1968. In 2020, it reported a revenue of over 13 billion RON.

  3. Rompetrol - This oil company is a subsidiary of the Kazakhstani company KazMunayGas and has been operating in Romania since 2003. In 2020, it reported revenue of over 10 billion RON.

  4. Ford Romania - This car manufacturer is a subsidiary of the American company Ford and has been producing cars in Romania since 2008. In 2020, it reported revenue of over 9 billion RON.

  5. Enel - This energy company is a subsidiary of the Italian company Enel and has been operating in Romania since 2005. In 2020, it reported a revenue of over 8 billion RON.

These companies have not only made significant contributions to the Romanian economy but have also provided many job opportunities for the people of Romania. It's important to note that these companies have achieved their success through hard work, innovation, and dedication to their respective industries.

The Role of IT Companies in Romania's Economic Growth

IT companies play a pivotal role in Romania's economic landscape. Recent analyses reveal that the Romanian IT industry rakes in approximately 3 billion euros from exports, with a meager 1 billion euros garnered from the local market. This disparity underscores the nation's need for more IT enterprises developing proprietary products, which could yield higher profit margins and fuel their expansion.

The issue is primarily generated due to the companies and simultaneously due to the people in the IT field. A significant portion of Romania's IT sector is composed of outsourcing. While outsourcing is a lucrative business, it does not contribute to the long-term development of the country's economy. Romania needs to sell for 100,000 euros (not for 20,000 - 30,000 euros plus a margin of 20-25%). This way, more money can be invested in developing own products.

The IT industry in Romania needs more employees with an entrepreneurial spirit, who are seeking greater challenges rather than just job security. TotalSoft, one of Romania's largest IT companies, has transformed its internal work culture, granting more autonomy to its employees who are now organized into "missions," currently involving half of the company's workforce. This approach has fostered innovation and creativity, which are crucial for the growth of Romania's IT sector.

In conclusion, the IT industry in Romania has the potential to contribute significantly to the country's economic growth. However, this can only be achieved if more IT companies start developing their own products and if more employees with an entrepreneurial spirit join the industry.

The Impact of Outsourcing on Romania's IT Industry

Outsourcing has been a common practice in Romania's IT sector, with a significant portion of the industry's revenue derived from exports. Industry insights reveal that out of the roughly 4 billion euros garnered by Romania's software and IT services market, only around 1 billion euros are sourced domestically. This is largely a result of the widespread use of outsourcing in the sector.

While outsourcing has its advantages, such as cost savings and access to specialized skills, it also has its disadvantages. One of the biggest disadvantages is that it hampers the development of companies' own products, which offer higher profit margins and enable greater investment in research and development.

To tackle this issue, Romania's IT sector needs more companies with their own products and added value. This entails selling products at higher prices, rather than merely offering outsourcing services. To realize this goal, the industry requires more employees with an entrepreneurial mindset who are willing to take on greater challenges and develop their own products.

TotalSoft, one of Romania's largest IT companies, has already taken steps to address this issue by changing the way it operates internally. The company has given its employees more autonomy by organizing them into "missions" for half of the workforce. This approach encourages employees to take on more responsibility and develop their own products, which can help drive the growth of the industry as a whole.

In conclusion, while outsourcing has been a prevalent practice in Romania's IT industry, it has limited the development of companies' own products and added value. To address this issue, the industry needs more companies with their own products and more employees with an entrepreneurial spirit. By encouraging employees to take on more responsibility and develop their own products, the industry can drive growth and increase its revenue from domestic sales.

Entrepreneurial Spirit and Innovation in Romania's IT Sector

The IT industry in Romania has been experiencing rapid growth in recent years, attracting many companies that outsource their services to the country. However, to sustain this growth and establish itself as a leader in the industry, Romania needs to shift its focus towards developing its own value-added products. This requires a change in mindset, encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation.

One of the main challenges facing the IT industry in Romania is the lack of companies with their own products. According to industry analysis, only about 1 billion euros of the 4 billion euro software and IT services market in Romania is generated domestically. This is due in part to the prevalence of outsourcing, which has been a major source of revenue for the industry. However, to truly flourish, Romania needs to focus on developing its own products and services that can compete on a global scale.

To achieve this, the IT industry in Romania needs more employees with an entrepreneurial spirit. This means individuals who are willing to take risks, think creatively, and pursue new ideas. These individuals are essential for driving innovation and developing new products that can compete in the global market. Companies like TotalSoft are already leading the way in this regard, by changing the way they work internally and giving employees more autonomy to pursue their own ideas.

Another key factor in fostering an entrepreneurial spirit in the IT industry is education. Romania needs to invest in educational and training programs that encourage entrepreneurship and innovation. This includes programs that teach individuals how to start and manage their own businesses, as well as those focused on developing new technologies and products.

Overall, the development of an entrepreneurial spirit and a focus on innovation are essential for the growth of Romania's IT industry. By encouraging individuals to take risks and pursue new ideas, Romania can develop its own products and services that can compete on a global scale, and become a leader in the industry.

The Future of Romania's Top Companies

Romania's biggest companies have the potential for significant growth and expansion in the coming years. With a focus on developing their own products and adding value to their services, these companies can increase their profit margins and invest more in their own growth.

One key area for growth is in the IT industry, where Romania has a strong reputation for outsourcing. However, the industry needs more companies with their own products and services, which can generate higher profits and allow for more investment in research and development. This will require a shift in mindset among both companies and employees, with a greater focus on entrepreneurship and innovation.

Another area for growth is in the service sector, where Romania has a highly skilled workforce and a competitive advantage in areas such as accounting and legal services. By expanding their services and targeting new markets, these companies can increase their revenue and establish themselves as leaders in their respective fields.

Overall, the future looks bright for Romania's top companies, as long as they are willing to embrace change and take risks in order to achieve their goals. With the right strategies and a focus on innovation and value creation, these companies can continue to grow and thrive in the years to come.

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In addition to their core services, also provides valuable resources and information for businesses looking to expand in Romania. They offer guides on topics such as tax regulations and labor laws, as well as news and updates on the latest developments in the Romanian business landscape.

Overall, plays an important role in supporting Romania's growing businesses. By providing essential services and resources, they help businesses navigate the challenges of operating in Romania and focus on what they do best: growing their business.