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The 6 Worst Habits Digital Marketers Develop

Alexandra Ardelean

In this article, I'm going to share with you the 6 worst habits digital marketers develop that can harm productivity and creativity. Let's dive in.

Habit 1: Compulsively Checking Metrics

Checking metrics is a good habit, but it can become a bad one when it turns into an obsession. When you're constantly checking and chasing metrics, you're not giving yourself the time and space to focus on the work that actually moves the needle.

The problem with seeking validation in numbers is that it can lead to defining your self-worth in vanity metrics. This is not conducive to success. You need to be able to detach your self-worth from the numbers and focus on the bigger picture.

Here are two ways to address this habit:

  • Pinpoint the metrics that actually align with your business goals. Not all metrics carry the same weight. Some hold greater significance than others. Identify the metrics that have the most substantial impact on your bottom line and direct your attention and efforts towards those.

  • Schedule time for metric checking. Instead of constantly refreshing your analytics dashboard throughout the day, set aside specific times when you'll review your metrics. This will help you stay focused and avoid getting sucked into a never-ending cycle of number-crunching.

For example, I'm currently focusing on YouTube as my main platform for content distribution. The main metric I care about is customers because of the nature of my software. As a result, I get a consistent stream of signups from my tutorials.

Habit 2: Over-complicating

Digital marketing is complex, but that doesn't mean you have to overcomplicate everything. When you try to do too much at once or make things more complicated than they need to be, you run the risk of falling into what's known as "analysis paralysis."

This can lead to missed opportunities, lack of synergy in your team, and ineffective marketing campaigns. Instead of overcomplicating tactics, strategies, and messaging, strive for simplicity whenever possible.

Un exemplu excelent în acest sens este lansarea iPod-ului de către Apple. În loc să copleșească consumatorii cu termeni tehnici și o listă nesfârșită de caracteristici, compania și-a concentrat mesajul în trei cuvinte simple: "1.000 de melodii în buzunar". Această propunere de valoare clară și concisă a rezonat cu consumatorii și a contribuit la succesul masiv al iPod-ului.

Habit 3: Overreacting to Industry News

The digital marketing landscape is constantly evolving, and it's important to stay informed about industry news and trends. However, there's a fine line between staying informed and overreacting.

When you overreact to every new development or trend in the industry, you run the risk of becoming reactionary rather than strategic. This can lead to panic, knee-jerk decision-making, and wasted resources.

For example, when OpenAI released GPT-3 (a chatbot that can generate human-like text), many people predicted that it would replace Google SEOs or even lawyers. However, that hasn't come to pass - yet.

Habit 4: Trying to Scale Too Early

Scaling a business is an exciting prospect, but trying to do it too early can be a recipe for disaster. When you scale before you're ready, you run the risk of spreading yourself too thin, diluting your brand, and alienating your core audience.

A cautionary tale in this regard is Groupon. The company experienced rapid growth in its early years and was valued at over $1 billion before it even went public. However, its flawed business model (which relied heavily on unsustainable discounts) eventually caught up with it.

După listarea la bursă în 2011, evaluată la 13 miliarde de dolari, prețul acțiunilor Groupon a scăzut cu peste 80% în următorii câțiva ani, pe măsură ce investitorii au realizat că creșterea sa nu era sustenabilă. Acest lucru a dus la concedieri semnificative și la o scădere drastică a valorii companiei.

Habit 5: Copying Other Marketers

It's natural to look at successful marketers for inspiration, but there's a fine line between drawing inspiration from others and outright copying them. When you copy other marketers' tactics or strategies without adding any original value or putting your own spin on things, you run the risk of coming across as unoriginal or even unethical.

There's nothing wrong with being inspired by other marketers' work; in fact, it's an important part of staying creative and innovative in your own marketing efforts. However, it's crucial to use that inspiration as a jumping-off point for your own ideas rather than simply replicating what others have done.

Unfortunately, many marketers fall into the trap of copying others because it can lead to short-term success. For example:

  • A marketer might see a viral video on TikTok and decide to create a similar one for their own brand because they want to ride the wave of popularity.

  • Another marketer might notice that a competitor's email campaign performed well and decide to replicate it for their own audience because they want to achieve similar results.

While these tactics might yield some positive outcomes in the short term (such as increased engagement or conversions), they ultimately come at the cost of authenticity and originality.

Habit 6: Ignoring Ethical Considerations

This is by far the worst habit digital marketers can develop because it can lead down a slippery slope from pushing best practices into unethical territory like false advertising or fraud.

In extreme cases, disregarding ethical norms can result in criminal conduct, such as operating Ponzi schemes or participating in fraudulent practices like identity theft or money laundering.

An infamous example of a purported fraudster who deceived his followers with empty promises and promotional videos showcasing rented luxury goods is Lee Mckenna. He was eventually incarcerated for fraud when his deceptive schemes were brought to light by investigative journalists.

Ideea principală de reținut aici este că succesul adevărat în marketingul digital nu constă în găsirea de scurtături sau soluții facile, ci în construirea încrederii și influenței la scară largă prin autenticitate și etică în tot ceea ce faci.