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Financial Fundamentals

10 Money Misconceptions That Keep You Poor

β€” Alexandra Ardelean

In this video, we're going to talk about the 10 money misconceptions that keep you poor. Let's get into it.

Misconception number one is pursuing comfort over financial freedom. The concept of comfort is working with what you have. Wealth is having what you have work for you. The wealthy find comfort in discomfort. They push for financial abundance, which leads to financial freedom and security. Change your mindset from pursuing comfort to pursuing financial freedom through investment and passive income.

Misconception number two is avoiding the math. The rich regularly review their bank accounts and balance sheets. The poor often neglect this aspect of their finances. Basic math such as tracking earnings and expenses is recommended, with the use of online or smartphone apps suggested.

The third misconception is the failure to make adjustments. Life-changing events are mentioned as triggers for poor financial habits, with the example of adjusting spending after a separation.

Misconception number four is overspending. Overspending is highlighted as a common mistake, with an emphasis on the importance of budgeting and the suggestion of using the split budget method.

Misconception number five is not paying themselves first. Paying oneself first is explained as allocating a portion of income for saving and investing before paying bills or expenses.

Misconception number six is wasting money on fees; this includes discussions on overdraft fees, high credit card interest, and management fees for financial products.

Misconception number seven is choosing price over value. Choosing price over value is presented as a mistake, with an example of buying cheap items that need frequent replacement instead of investing in quality items.

Misconception number eight is making too little money. Making too little money is identified as a common issue, with a focus on increasing income through side businesses or finding better paying jobs.

Misconception number nine is spending too much on housing. Spending too much on housing is highlighted as a problem, with the term "house poor" defined and a recommendation to keep housing costs below 30 percent of take home pay.

Misconception number ten is failing to separate wants from needs. Failing to separate wants from needs is discussed, with a suggestion to undertake a spending challenge to distinguish between the two categories.

In conclusion, these are the 10 money misconceptions that keep you poor. If you want to learn more about how to build wealth and become financially free, then subscribe to our channel or watch another video of ours.